This is a digitalized video version of the piece underneath the video you will find more information of the physical installation. (with audio!)  
A surrealist biographical collection of pieces inspired by my experiences with visual snow syndrome (a neurological disorder). The disorder creating a separation in how I perceive the world around me, through the constant presents of visual distortion such as static, warping and image duplication. The work uses a variety of digital manipulation techniques inspired from these symptoms, to create landscapes made from within images in location where symptoms are more apparent . Rather than focusing on creating work that directly translates these visual symptoms, these images focus on recreating the emotional effects of visual snow syndrome. My aim for the piece to create in its viewers the same feelings of disconnect I experience with visual snow syndrome to my surrounding, though familiar yet alien-like landscapes.
The installation of the piece presented at my University graduation show aimed to create a immersive experiences for the viewer. the narrative of the piece this machine scanning the far parts of a different galaxy (CX-109) looking for frequency signals that it translates into broadcasted images of alien planets. when a viewer entered the room they were meant with the flashing a ringing of monitors and translated distorted audio from the planet.
Final images for the installation 

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